Happy Dried Floral Bouquet
A bouquet that will last beyond the occasion. The “Happy” long-lasting bouquet is perfect for any celebration, be it a birthday, anniversary, baby shower, or just because. Bursting with colors and cheerful energy, this bouquet will bloom for over a year with no watering, sure to make each day happy.
Product Specifications
- Included: 1 x Bouquet (vase is sold separately)
- Available in limited quantities
- Each bouquet is handmade to order by our master florists
- The bouquet will last for over a year. No watering required
Size & Composition
- Composition: pink & cream gypsophila, colorful bunny tails, purple wheat, billy balls, lino vlas, and more.
- Approximate length: 19”
Happy Dried Floral Bouquet
A bouquet that will last beyond the occasion. The “Happy” long-lasting bouquet is perfect for any celebration, be it a birthday, anniversary, baby shower, or just because. Bursting with colors and cheerful energy, this bouquet will bloom for over a year with no watering, sure to make each day happy.
Product Specifications
- Included: 1 x Bouquet (vase is sold separately)
- Available in limited quantities
- Each bouquet is handmade to order by our master florists
- The bouquet will last for over a year. No watering required
Size & Composition
- Composition: pink & cream gypsophila, colorful bunny tails, purple wheat, billy balls, lino vlas, and more.
- Approximate length: 19”