Champagne Rose White Daisy with Greenery Leaves Wedding Bouquet
Enhance your special day with this beautiful and expertly arranged faux wedding bouquet featuring a combination of champagne roses, greenery plants, daisies, and other complementary blooms. This exquisite wedding bouquet is the perfect addition to any wedding, whether you're the bride or bridesmaid.
Note: Each bouquet is hand crafted by florist so slight differences in shape and size will occur. Color differences will also exist between images and actual product due to lighting in photography.
Product Specifications
- Dimensions:
- Small: 7.1"D X 13.8"H
- Large: 13.8"D X 17.7"H
- Material: Silk Cloth, Glue, Plastics
- Color: Green, Champagne Pink, White, Mixed Colors
Champagne Rose White Daisy with Greenery Leaves Wedding Bouquet
Enhance your special day with this beautiful and expertly arranged faux wedding bouquet featuring a combination of champagne roses, greenery plants, daisies, and other complementary blooms. This exquisite wedding bouquet is the perfect addition to any wedding, whether you're the bride or bridesmaid.
Note: Each bouquet is hand crafted by florist so slight differences in shape and size will occur. Color differences will also exist between images and actual product due to lighting in photography.
Product Specifications
- Dimensions:
- Small: 7.1"D X 13.8"H
- Large: 13.8"D X 17.7"H
- Material: Silk Cloth, Glue, Plastics
- Color: Green, Champagne Pink, White, Mixed Colors